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lie detector 〔美國〕測謊器。


Players at a romanian first division club will be forced to take lie detector tests after losing two matches . last week national bucharest surprisingly lost 1 - 0 at home against vaslui and 2 - 0 at jiul petrosani to dent their chances of playing in european competition next season 在羅馬尼亞足球甲級聯賽中,布加勒斯特民族隊上星期連續輸掉了兩場比賽,該隊球員將于近期被迫接受測謊儀的測試。

Players at a romanian first division club will be forced to take lie detector tests after losing two matches . players at a romanian first division club will be forced to take lie detector tests after losing two matches 在羅馬尼亞足球甲級聯賽中,布加勒斯特民族隊上星期連續輸掉了兩場比賽,該隊球員將于近期被迫接受測謊儀的測試。

I felt the tug of the wires connecting me to the lie detector as i came out to the end of their slack , and i heard it crash to the floor behind us , bringing the table with it 正當我在他們放松警惕時,我摸到了聯結在測謊器上的電線,接著我聽見了測謊器墜毀在我們后面的地板上的聲音,帶著桌子翻倒。

Players at a romanian first division club will be forced to take lie detector tests after losing two matches 在羅馬尼亞足球甲級聯賽中,布加勒斯特民族隊上星期連續輸掉了兩場比賽,該隊球員將于近期被迫接受測謊儀的測試。

What happens to that lie detector of yours when it detects your own bullshit 你那個測謊器呢?要是它發現你在胡扯會怎么樣

The lie detector session 謊言測驗事件

My eyes are a lie detector 我的眼是測謊儀

Yeah . first he gave me his little human lie detector thing , but i passed 是啊。首先他又給我進行人體測謊,我通過了

Put sammy boy in a lie detector 給薩姆連上測謊儀

Believing the “ lie detector “ was working , the suspect confessed 嫌疑犯以為這個“測謊儀”很好使,就招供了。

I ' m willing to submit to a lie detector test if that would help 如果可以的話,我愿意接收測慌機的測試。 ”

However , the lie detector confirms that 然而,我們用測謊儀

The lie detector tests have been the subject of much controversy 測謊試驗一直有許多爭議的話題。

Well , he doesn ' t need a machine . he ' s a human lie detector 他不需要機器,他就是一個人體測謊儀

No , no , no , no , no . come on . he ' s a human lie detector 不會的,不會的他是個活的測謊器